Perhaps you got here via Cafe Handmade- if so, welcome to my humble blog. I have not been very creative here as there are just so many hours in the day! I do have good intentions to write regularly, but the time just goes!
(that's me with my mom, Kristen and Kate)
I spent part of today with my daughter, Kristen. Kristen is my very beautiful daughter who is expecting her 2nd baby girl in 4 weeks. It was a lovely fall day in Cold Spring, NY where we spent the day. Kate, my grandaughter, would have loved to have been there as there was a dog parade down the main street. Very cute- some dogs were in costume! (Wish I had taken my camera!)
We had lunch outside at the Depot by the RR tracks. They had an Oktoberfest menu, (which I enjoy) and we were entertained by an "Oompah Band". As it turned out, the "Oompah Band" was the Dixieland band during the non-Oktoberfest days of the year! I think they might be an Irish Band for St Patty's Day, as I thought I heard a bit of Irish influence in "Roll out the Barrel"!
We didn't buy anything, just poked around in the little shops and enjoyed the day.
It was really nice to spend the time just with Kristen. We don't often get together, just the 2 of us, as we all work and life is busy. Kristen, Jay and Kate have only the short weeknights and the weekends together. We do see each other often, as we live relatively close and Kristen's home is on my route home from work. This allows me to be available when I am needed. It was always my hope that I would be able to do this for my kids and my grandchildren.
I am lucky. I get to spend a lot of time with them! I cherish the time that I have with my daughter and her family. I love to be such a big part of their lives...
Oh, yes, I forgot that I did buy 2 wool skirts for $1 each- There was at least a yard of plaid wool on each skirt!
Sounds like you had a lot of fun - thanks for stopping by my blog :)