Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving thru CyberMonday- Free shipping on my Etsy shop

Hi, there- just in case you have landed here, check out my shop this weekend!
There is Free Shipping on all of my items this weekend from Thanksgiving through CyberMonday! (U.S. only)

My monogrammed smocks have been a big hit with the 2-6 yr set (girls and boys).

I have a couple of children's Christmas aprons.

There are new designs for my photo/coupon clutches

Need a baby gift? Wee Wubbys make a great gift for a new or young baby and I have several new cuddly blankets in minky and flannel-oh, so soft!

Visit my shop at

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Giveaway by Harvest Moon by Hand

I am using this forum to enter a giveaway- and you should, too! Who doesn't want to win something? We all do!

Ann Rinkenberger has a great shop on Etsy - HarvestMoonbyHand and a really interesting blog with the same name. I met her on FaceBook Friends on EtsyStreet team -

Please check out both of these giveaways! You might win one of them! (well, I hope I win one of them) I would use the 16" x 20" rolled canvas for one of my favorite photos of my 2 granddaughters!

And don't forget to Check out Ann's Etsy shop, too!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The New Baby is Coming!! (well, she's been here for 2 months...)

This entry was drafted on October 28, 2009, after we heard that little Maddy would be arriving in a couple of days. Yes, it is being published 2 months late! WE'VE BEEN BUSY!!

So, the new baby is almost here. She will be arriving on Friday, October 30- not quite Halloween, but, definitely, she will be our new little pumpkin!

So, I cannot help but remember when our own 2nd baby was almost here 29 years ago:

We were our little family of 3. The mommy, the daddy and our little girl, Kristen who was 3 years old. Life was perfect, as far as I remember. Well, maybe not perfect, but very, very nice.

Why then, I thought, did we decide to have another child, when every thing was going really nicely and things were getting easier as our little girl was getting a bit older?? Well, it was always in our plan to have more than one child. I came from a family of 6 kids and Ed was an only child. I loved having the siblings and Ed wished he had some. So it was natural for us to get pregnant again. And we were very, very excited!

But as time got closer to my expected due date, I began to question my ability to love another child like I loved Kristen. The 3 of us had 3 years together to develop that terrific bond that parents and children should have. And we did. So, would I be able to duplicate that feeling with another child?

I remember feeling like I was going to betray my little girl by bringing a new baby brother or sister home. ( we didn't know, back then, what we would be having)

These were not logical feelings, but my feelings just the same. I remember the tears would flow if I let my emotions go to that line of thinking.

So, what happened?

Kristen's baby brother, Brian, was born and all was ok-

I looked at Brian and fell in love all over again. He was beautiful and he was ours, from the moment I saw him, and I forgot all of those illogical emotions I had felt just days before.

When we brought Brian home, Kristen loved him, too! She never once asked us to take him back to wherever we got him. She was a bit annoyed with me ( because I brought him home, I think) and she did stamp her feet more than she did before (and she could do that very well). It didn't last for long. And Kristen was very loving to Brian. ( she occasionally was a bit TOO loving, if you know what I mean!)

She was the perfect big sister to her baby brother! She was helpful and entertaining with him. Brian loved her, too. There were lots of smiles and laughs to and from all of us!

So, I suppose the point of all of this is that those feelings of doubt are normal. I have spoken to more than a few mothers over the years who had similar feelings. And it is definitely possible to have enough love in your heart to give to more than one child.

I have 2 wonderful children. They are not kids any longer, but adults who are caring and thoughtful and family minded. One is not the same as the other. Their needs are not always the same. But I love each of them with infinite abundance.

So, Kristen, my daughter, tomorrow you will have your little Madison in your arms. If you had any doubts, they will disappear the moment you see her. And any lingering thoughts about how your little Kate will love her new little sister and accept her into the family- well, these thoughts will also disappear. All will fall into place.

AND IT DID! Here is Kristen with her little Madison Grace! (on Christmas Eve)

And here is big sister, Kate with here little sister, Maddy.

Is this love, or what?

My girls, all 3 of them!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chicken Tortilla Soup- YUMMY!

So, hey there! Haven't posted since last week- Thought I'd share a great recipe that was so simple to make yet so delicious! Got the basic recipe from a coworker- but added to it to "kick it up a notch"

Chicken Tortilla Soup

1 - 16 ounce jar of Medium Heat Salsa
2 cups of Chicken Broth
2 cups of shredded, cooked chicken
1 cup of corn niblets, fresh, frozen or canned
1 can of black beans, rinsed

1 avocado, diced
cilantro, chopped
3 tortillas ( I used corn tortillas)

Heat the salsa and chicken broth in a saucepan until it comes to a boil. Add the shredded chicken, cook until returns to a boil. Turn down to low heat just to keep warm. Add the corn and the beans.

After adding the chicken to the soup and while waiting for the soup to reheat,

Cut the tortillas into thin strips ( I use a pizza cutter) and lightly brown them either in a pan with a tiny bit of oil or spray a baking sheet and bake them until lightly brown.

When serving this great soup, top with the chopped avocado, tortilla strips and cilantro to taste.

As I said, "YUMMY" and it looks pretty, too!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Day in Cold Spring-me and my girl

Perhaps you got here via Cafe Handmade- if so, welcome to my humble blog. I have not been very creative here as there are just so many hours in the day! I do have good intentions to write regularly, but the time just goes!

(that's me with my mom, Kristen and Kate)

I spent part of today with my daughter, Kristen. Kristen is my very beautiful daughter who is expecting her 2nd baby girl in 4 weeks. It was a lovely fall day in Cold Spring, NY where we spent the day. Kate, my grandaughter, would have loved to have been there as there was a dog parade down the main street. Very cute- some dogs were in costume! (Wish I had taken my camera!)

We had lunch outside at the Depot by the RR tracks. They had an Oktoberfest menu, (which I enjoy) and we were entertained by an "Oompah Band". As it turned out, the "Oompah Band" was the Dixieland band during the non-Oktoberfest days of the year! I think they might be an Irish Band for St Patty's Day, as I thought I heard a bit of Irish influence in "Roll out the Barrel"!

We didn't buy anything, just poked around in the little shops and enjoyed the day.

It was really nice to spend the time just with Kristen. We don't often get together, just the 2 of us, as we all work and life is busy. Kristen, Jay and Kate have only the short weeknights and the weekends together. We do see each other often, as we live relatively close and Kristen's home is on my route home from work. This allows me to be available when I am needed. It was always my hope that I would be able to do this for my kids and my grandchildren.

I am lucky. I get to spend a lot of time with them! I cherish the time that I have with my daughter and her family. I love to be such a big part of their lives...

Oh, yes, I forgot that I did buy 2 wool skirts for $1 each- There was at least a yard of plaid wool on each skirt!

Fall Flowers

Why is it that the flowers look the best just before the end of the season? Just look at these Hydrangeas! Even the Geraniums are looking terrific,even though we almost had a frost last night! It won't be long before winter is here.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Almost a year!

My Etsy shop, will be 1 year old in December! This has been quite an interesting year, as I have been trying to juggle my etsy shop with my "real job" and with my family life.

My current "real job" is that I am a registered nurse in NY. I work in a very busy Pediatric Endocrine Practice 4 days each week. It is a very interesting field of medicine. I have been an RN for 35 years.

I watch my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, Kate, one day each week. I love watching her.

My daughter is expecting her 2nd baby girl in November- coming right up!

My desire is to build up my new business (which includes the Etsy shop) enough to cut back a bit on my "out of the home" job. The dilemma is this: in order to build up my inventory and work on marketing, I need more time available. Less time at the "real job" means less money to make ends meet. Less money to make ends meet means I have to work more at the "real job" And so it goes, round and round....I am fairly certain that there are many Etsians that are in the same pickle!

I have 2 grown up children- Kristen (and her husband, Jay) and Brian ( who has a lovely young lady, Lesley) and let's not forget Kate.

I have an awesome husband, Ed, who has been quite supportive of me and I think he really appreciates most of the items I have made. (that's Ed up there in the corner) I don't think I could spend the amount of time I do sewing with any other husband. It was my birthday last week- can you believe that Ed and Kristen gave me a new sewing machine?? And my son sent me a very generous JoAnn's gift card!

Now that is support!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Move over Annie, it's time for Madagascar!

So, as a follow up to the Mamma Mia post, our Kate has since learned the soundtrack to Annie, and sings "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" at any given time.

But it seems like her interest has about a 10 day cycle, now that we think about it! Kate has moved on to "Madagascar" now and sings and dances along to "I like to Move It, Move It"!

Or maybe it's her Mommy and Daddy's 10 day tolerance! Whatever- we love the entertainment!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mamma Mia!!!!

I have not been a very good blogger. I know this is true when I read all of the wonderful blogs being written.
So, here I am on a Saturday night, sitting in front of my laptop, searching for fabric to make a handbag for my daughter, Kristen. My search took me all over Etsy, Facebook and the world of blogs. Sometimes the blogs I see are so intimidating, as I always have a hard time thinking about a topic.

And so, I repeat, here I am on a Saturday night with not only the laptop, but our television in front of me. Which brings me to my thoughts: Mamma Mia!!!

The movie, Mamma Mia, is on cable for the first time. Now I have watched this movie countless times! Probably, 3 times in its entirety and about 93 times is fragments. And I know these ABBA songs better now than when I listened to ABBA back in the day!

The reason? The reason is my granddaughter, Kate. And, Kate is 2 years old! Kate is a happy little girl who has an uncanny love for movies with great music (or animals). Kate was first interested in the Buddies movies- you know- Air, Snow and finally Space Buddies. She then discovered Disney and the like: King (as in Lion), Panda (as in KungFu), Bolt, Monsters, Inc. She enjoyed them each immensely. Then she saw Mamma Mia for the first time. Oh, goodness! She must have watched it a hundred times.
She knew the songs, and had all the moves, even using her sunglasses as a handheld microphone. She entertained the family with her little performances. We each had the soundtrack in the car to listen to her sing along!

We flew to Charlotte NC in May to visit her Uncle Brian and her Aunt Sue. Who would expect that a 2 year old would sit quietly in the plane seat the whole way! The only noise I heard from my seat, 2 rows ahead of Kate and her Mommy and Daddy, was Kate laughing and singing Dancing Queen, Super Trouper and Honey, Honey! Just pure enjoyment!

Yes, we were concerned that she might not need to know about the adult content in the movie. But she is 2, for goodness sakes!

Sadly (?), Kate is just not that into Mamma Mia anymore. She had moved on to Keck and Keck 2 (Shrek and Shrek 2). Loved Princess Fiona and was always talking about the dragon (don't know the name). They, too, have been knocked down a peg or two. But now,happily, Kate is into Mary Poppins (she loves when the nannies blow away and sings Let's Go Fly a Kite).

Watching Mary Poppins conjures up my childhood memory of seeing it for the first time on my birthday when it opened 45 years ago at Radio City Music Hall. That was when films were the main attraction there, other than the Rockettes.

We predict that the musical, Annie, will be taking center stage in the near future, as Kate has been introduced to it this past week. Variety is the spice of life, after all. This variety is, of course, for the preservation of Kate's parents, my daughter, Kristen and her husband, Jay.

I don't want you to think that Kate is not exposed to children's music or to children's books. It is surely not the case. I think her all time favorite is still BaaBaa Black Sheep with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. (And did you know that they are really the same tune?? As is the Alphabet song?) And she loves Clifford the big red dog! Below, is Kate!

This week, I have been teaching Kate the Spaghetti version of On top of Old Smokey. I never loved the Smokey version. And Kate clearly appreciates the humor in most anything, so a Meatball rolling out the door is right up her alley!

Who knows what next week will bring!

To the right, is Kate, with her Mommy, Kristen at the Outer Banks, last summer

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Facebook Fan page URL

Here is my current link to the fan page of my Facebook pages

As soon as Facebook allows, I will have a more concise url!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where does the time go??

I have spent so much time trying to set up a facebook account that I have not blogged in more than a week. My goal was to do an entry at least weekly. Well, for now- I am just adding my facebook link! It is the link to a regular facebook "friends" page, not the business account I had hoped to do in the first place. I do, however, have a business page with a slowly growing # of fans.

Would love to have more fans!

As a post script, I should thank Cheryl'sPurpleCow for giving me the kick in the butt to try to make a blog- so thank you, Cheryl!

Here are the links to her shop and blog:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's a New Day...

So, I have a new listing! You can see it right here on my blog! What fun to make!
I finished and shipped my largest order this week! Felt great.

Don't forget the EtsyBABY 2nd Annual Customer Appreciation Days going on now through June 15. Free Shipping on all my Wee Wubby Sets.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

EtsyBABY Customer Appreciation Days!!

Good Morning! It is a beautiful day today- Sunday morning!
Etsy BABY's 2nd Annual Customer Appreciation Days are here!
From June 1-June 15, all WeeWubby sets ordered will receive FREE SHIPPING! That is at least a $5 savings for the next 2 weeks!

Have a baby shower to go to? Buy a set or 2!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Treasury accomplished!

So, today, I was able to create a treasury! What a feat! Doing this was quite a challenge. I was actually having palpitations while trying to get in, knowing that there were >250 others worldwide trying to do the same thing. And since I never did it before, I had know clue as to what was to happen next.
Phew!! Did it! Titled it "Views from the Hudson Valley" to honor the talent in my own backyard. Here is the link
Enjoy it, enjoy your day!

Friday, May 29, 2009

New "kid" on the blog!

So- I finally did it! Put myself on a blog (as if anyone really needed this!) I will be stumbling for some time as I won't know exactly how things will appear until I look for myself and hope that I can figure out how to edit!

So, who am I??

My name is Janis and I am blogging as a business strategy!
I am married for 36 years to my husband, Ed. We have 2 grown children, Kristen and Brian. I have a son-in-law, Jay and a lovely 2 year old granddaughter, Kate, who happens to be taking a nap at the moment. (while under my "every Friday" care). I work 4 days a week (m-f). I have been a Registered Nurse for 35 years. I love being a nurse, always loved the caretaking thing. I love motherhood, and love grandmotherhood.
Kristen and her family lives nearby, so we see her very often. Brian left for North Carolina 5 1/2 years ago and hasn't seemed to look back. We don't see him nearly often enough, but we did see him 2 weeks ago.

So, we have an empty nest and even though we love our children immensely, Ed and have been enjoying each other since our "birds" left the nest almost 6 years ago.

We love gardening, although our garden season in the northeast isn't nearly long enough to enjoy like we wished. We like to travel, although lately we haven't traveled too much. Ed loves to cook, (more than I do), so I am extremely lucky in that regard. He does more cooking than I do! I like to read, but have not had the time recently. (I fall asleep if I try to read in bed!) We love several TV shows: Survivor, Amazing Race, Lost, 24 and the original CSI!

And what brings me to blog is that I have embarked on a "more than casual" endeavor sewing and such. I have always loved sewing and crafting and have recently joined the thousands of Etsians in selling handmade products of all sorts on GO HANDMADE!

My site is About 1/2 of my products are baby items.

My Wee Wubbys are what got me started. See one here:

I have branched out, making other things as well. My Photo Envelopes have been selling well and make a great gift! (empty or with something inside) See one of them here! ( you can see a couple of family photos here as well!)

Anyway- that's part of me in nutshell. I am loving all of this... Just wish there was more time in a day!